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Everything posted by normmcq

  1. Chet Fred and I were both using GPZs. I haven't been to those claims since 2017. We lost them in 2018, I think. Norm
  2. I t was suggested by Wes to refile on those claims. They were both very good claims and produced some very good gold including multi ounce nuggets. Having said that, Fred Mason and I camped right on the #1 claim and hunted both claims for several days and the adjacent areas. We were both skunked. I don't think there is much if any detectable gold left. Given the lay of the land on #1 there is a chance there is some nice gold left to be found if, there was a plan of operation and a push done. Having been involved on more than one of those operations it is a crap shoot at best. Sometimes the gold is there and maybe not. Norm
  3. I am sorry to report that the detecting community lost a very good friend to all of us this morning with his wife Jonni beside him at home. R.I.P. Freddy Mason, you will be missed. Norm
  4. That is a very good question Ron. When a member looks at the web site there doesn't appear to be any reason for anyone to join or renew. Over the years, I have brought in several new members and a lot of them ask me what is happening with the club. I keep saying, we are reorganizing and things will be better soon, but realistically I don't have a clue. Several years ago the membership enrollment date was changed from January 1 thru December 31st to June 1 thru May 31st for numerous reasons. We are just a short time from renewal time again. Anyone that joins now or renews has to understand that dues are due again in June. Before we picked up a few new members and a few members paid past due memberships I believe we had 18 paid members. As an incentive to keep the old paid members, the ones that paid past dues and attract new members, I would like to propose this: All paid memberships Old, Renewed and New would be valid until May 31st 2021 This would give the club time to get it's act together Norm
  5. I found this nice group of nuggets with the exception of the one in the center a week ago, I went back one more time to see what I missed. That is when I found the small one in the center. They were all found in almost a straight line below an old prospect hole with my GPZ 7000. Always detect the rims of those prospect holes and the adjacent areas. Good luck out there Norm
  6. I like that area too, except for that smell that so many of us shared
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